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This is client-side Javascript application developed to create audiovisual introductions of sorting algorithms, and it is also the subject of my BSc thesis.

The idea of this project is based on Timo Bingmann's excellent software called sound-of-sorting however due to the nature of Javascript (and the lack of my C++ knowledge) this application is written from scratch.

Live version

Live version is hosted at http://slapec.github.io/avsort/ by GitHub Pages.

Sometimes the built-in source codes are not indented in the editor (it isn't CodeMirror's fault). Try to reload the page (CTRL+F5), it should work.


Node.js is required to build the application:

  1. npm install
  2. npm test

Build result will be placed under avsort/dist.


Because this is an offline application and I wanted to keep it simple, files are not served by HTTP server but served directly by the file system.

  1. npm install
  2. npm run-script dev or gulp dev if you've installed gulp globally.
  3. Open avsort/dev/index.html. gulp-livereload listens to file changes and reloads the app automatically.

Project home


This is an open-source project licensed under GPLv2. Hosted by GitHub.

Project details

The thesis itself is hosted under a different repository:


Warning: It is written in Hungarian.


This project using CodeMirror heavily as it is used as a simple but powerfull live editor.

I'd like to say thank you to CSS-TRICKS for their great CSS resources and to Chris Lowis' blog for his WebAudi API and synthesizer tutorials.

Pull requests

Please don't create any pull request as long as any of the major features are still missing (This paragraph will be removed when the project will become ready).

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